Saturday, October 20, 2007

Movies, Marketing and Meh

I don't have much to say this week. Certainly nothing profound anyway. So if you've come here today for wisdom, just move on!

This week I was home sick with a stupid cold. I can't believe how badly it knocked me out of commission for seven whole days. Oh well. Although I wasn't in the office, I was working flat out. Which might be the reason I was sick for 7 days. Ya - there's my wisdom this week. If you're sick GO TO BED. Watch movies. Anything but work!

I was writing for a series of documentary films on separation and divorce. We filmed the last of the stand-ups today, so when the promo is ready I'll put it up here on this website. It should be really cool. Lotsa work,'s good to help people who just got separated or divorced - they're really hurting.

In my spare time, which is between 10 pm and midnight - I've been working on marketing my book. My copies arrived at the house this week and wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. I sort of freaked out thinking - geez...anybody can write a book. Selling them is another story!

That's the Movies and the Marketing. The "meh" is how I feel - what with the cold 'n'all.

See ya next week when I'm "wiser"!

Oh ya - meanwhile - you can buy my book now from and

If you're not in the Vancouver area where you can come to my book launch party then...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?...order it online!


Anonymous said...

I ordered your book based on my son's recommendation. I'm looking forward to some positive impact from reading your book. Thanks from Helen in Iowa, USA.

Anna S. Christie said...

Hey thanks Helen. Let me know what you think of it after you read it!