Okay, so I thought it was a catchy title. Believe it or not, I looked at a book last weekend that was called "Pirate Leadership" and it was infinitely more silly.
Today is Hallowe'en, one of the most fun days of the year. As a clergyperson in the Christian church, some Christians find the need to remind me that Hallowe'en is a pagan festival and should not be celebrated or even acknowledged by followers of Jesus. These are folks that have no idea who Jesus really is, assume he's the manifestation of NO FUN and a killjoy to anything festive. WWJD you ask? Well, what did he do at a wedding celebration that had already gone on far too long - where everyone was pretty tipsy and the wine ran out? He made more wine! Put a lampshade on his head and said "on with the party!" (Okay, so that last bit I made up)
Anyway, I'll save the sermons for my church blog. My point today is that leaders have to be able to have fun. Are you at work today NOT dressed up? Tsk, tsk...poor example. Nobody should be all work and no play - it models workaholism, which is a very dangerous addiction that only results in higher productivity for a short period of time - right before the burnout and stress leave kicks in.
When I was interviewing for assistants back in the 90s I asked them that typical question about their weaknesses. Some of them tried to be clever and say "I work too hard" or "I'm a perfectionist"...at which point I would stand up and shake their hand then show them the door. Shocked the living hell out of them.
I didn't want somebody working with me that had the same weaknesses as me anyway! The key word is balance. Can you balance your life with work, hobbies/interests, family and play? If you can do that, you're an excellent candidate for any leadership position.
So if you haven't got a costume yet, try taking a page from Jim on the NBC hit comedy The Office: cut out three large black dots from construction paper and stick them with tape in a row down the left side of your shirt. (You're a 3-hole punch)

I'm going as a basket of laundry.
Happy Hallowe'en!
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