For fun, I just did a google image search on the word "fun". Here is the first pic that came up - I kid you not.

I will simply say that there is no argument to this cyber-intelligent-reasoning.
But seriously, folks....there is nothing worse than a leader who's a drag. I understand from this statement that I am dating myself as someone from the 60s. Right. Just asked the 20-something fruit of my loins for the 21st century equivalent of "a drag". She's glad I asked, because the term "a drag" is antwacky. Apparently the appropriate term is "bummed" or the somewhat less common yet equally appropriate "watered". One of her friends chimed in that "ass" may also be used freely as a verb denoting at times bummed or watered, depending on the context.
Best not to be a leader who's bummed or watered or assed, then.
I mean, really. Nobody wants to work for someone like this. You have to find your source of joy. What makes you happy, perky, enthusiastic? Figure it out. If nothing does then you might want to look into that. Depression is a serious disorder. A depressed leader will have a depressed organization. You need energy to deal with the inevitable energy of your colleagues, subordinates or co-workers. Otherwise, you'll kill every good idea with your bad attitude.
Joy is a human emotion produced in the brain. Chocolate helps, but is not a complete cure. Opiates work also, however the long-term effects are addiction, bankruptcy, incarceration and death. Not really worth it. Besides, you can produce endorphins in your own brain without having to hang around alleys waiting for the local Hershey dealer to show up.
The part of the brain responsible for joy is present in all mammals as "rough and tumble play" or RAT play. Even rats enjoy RAT play but if you even put a little cat hair in their cages they'll cease the RAT play immediately and start reading Roberts Rules of Order.
Anxiety destroys RAT play. So like...calm down dude. Try some deep breathing, yoga, meditation, prayer, spiritual direction, hypnosis, therapy. All good stuff. The calmer you are the more fun you are. If this doesn't work, try watching this:
If you're a relious Christian person at all, particularly a clergyperson, you should find this absolutely hilarious. If you don't, you may need professional help:
Communion Wafer Taste Test
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