As for Charlie and I, it was so wonderful to have a whole weekend together! We did have a "three's a crowd" intruder with us though - Guinness! The hotel is pet-friendly so we packed up the raw dog food, leashes and bowls and headed out. The picture to the left I took from our patio glass door. Beautiful!
Guinness had a blast on the tiny little beach on this fresh water lake. Once she discovered it was water like the hose, she went insane. She ran into the water and leaped and splashed like a puppy. I just caught the tail end of it on video:
We came back Sunday afternoon just in time for the Trick or Treaters. We have very cool decorations that we've collected for several years - especially since the kick-ass Hallowe'en Party fundraiser we had here about 7 years ago. With no Alex, I had to carve the pumpkin myself for the first time in over 10 years! We had lots of kids and it was really fun. I took some pics of how the house looked from the outside:
Our creepy front door
My uber-cool Jack o' Lantern
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