Friday, December 21, 2007

The Canadian Dollar - taking a hit

My book's about to be reprinted...for a couple of reasons - mostly some nifty updates on my part. But here's the thing: this time it won't have a price on the cover. The first printing has $22.95 US and $27.95 Cdn. With the second print run, it will sell to Canadians for $22.95 as well. Which basically means that I,along with Canadian retailers, will take the hit for the difference. You see, the difference in pricing of books has nothing to do with the value of our dollars. It has everything to do with the cost of publishing books in Canada - it's just more expensive. I REALLY HOPE it has something to do with our minimum wage being higher, and our social safety net. Perhaps that's part of it. But also, we have to pay shipping from where they're printed in the US up across the border. Crossing the border (customs brokering) costs too, and then there's GST payable on shipping. That's why the prices are higher.

But after all, it's a capitalist society...and so consumers drive it, not "justice" (in any sense of the word). While it may not be fair that authors and Canadian retailers take the hit for a higher Canadian dollar (really a lower American dollar)...the reality is that people can order books online from American retailers at lower prices. And people won't pay more for the same product if they can pay less - that's what capitalism is all about.

So I guess if I'm going to benefit from a capitalist culture (the freedom to produce something and sell it), then I have to put up with the downfalls of it as well. So...I'm ok with that. I'll lose money, but I'll put on a happy face.

I hope all the people who paid $27.95 for the book already will similarly swallow hard when they see it on the shelves for $5 less....(gak)!

Merry Christmas everyone...heh heh heh...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ms. Christie,

My name is Tony Davis. I am very near completion of my book, “Terrorism and the Maritime Transportation System.” I am leaning toward publishing with iUniverse, but am seeking your opinion of the experience you have had with them. Anything that you could share, whether good, bad or ugly would be very helpful as I pursue the next step.

Thank you in advance for your help. I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year.

- Tony

Anthony "Tony" M. Davis

Publisher – Homeland Security Report

Homeland Security Group

Homeland Security Group Blog

In GOD we Trust, All Others We Monitor...

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Anna!

In the New Year,
may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship,
but never in want.

Anonymous said...

Faerenach from the wondercafe here. I heard a rumour in the alternative service thread that you have a drama series written? Interested in sharing it?

Anna S. Christie said...

Hey faerenach - not sure who you are or quite what you're referring to. But send me an email with your real name to and we'll talk!
(replace the word AT with this: @ when you send the email)

I've written quite a lot of drama, actually. I really need to publish the dramas I wrote for young adults called "The Gilmore Gang". But I've written some other stuff too.
